The difference between tasks and processes is like the difference between local and overall. A task is a unit of work, a business activity that is usually done by one person. Instead, a process is a series of related tasks that come together to create a valuable outcome for the customer. For example, completing an order is a process of providing goods to customers to generate value. The process involves a number of tasks: accepting orders from customers, entering orders into computers, reviewing customer credits, scheduling production schedules, allocating inventory, selecting shipping methods, collecting goods and packaging them, and then shipping them out. None of these tasks create value for the customer alone. If the goods are not loaded, you cannot transport them; if the goods are not collected, you cannot pack them. Reviewing credit itself is just one approach in financial analysis. A person's work activity produces value only when all of these tasks are completed together.
The problem that plagues modern business organizations is not the task but the process. The slowness of our efforts to deliver results is not due to slow and inefficient people completing their personal tasks; research and automation of time and action over the past 50 years has ensured this. People’s slowness of action is due to the fact that some of us are performing tasks that are not necessary for the actual desired outcome, and because of the process of transferring the work from the person completing the task to the person performing the next task. It was a headache that was a headache. The results of our work are full of mistakes, not because people do not perform their tasks accurately, but because people misunderstood their boss's instructions and did something wrong, or because they misinterpreted information from colleagues.Our business is not flexible enough, not because people are confined to a fixed business model, but because no one knows how to combine the tasks of each individual to produce results, and know how to produce results that are very good for change. necessary. We can't provide satisfactory service, not because our employees are hostile to customers, but because we don't have an employee with the information and vision needed to explain to customers the state of the process they are waiting for. We are costly, not because our personal tasks are expensive, but because we hire too many people to ensure that each person's tasks are combined to form a form that can be offered to customers. In short, our problem is not the performance of the individual to complete tasks and activities, the performance of the work unit, but the process, that is, how each unit forms a whole. For decades, business organizations have been paying attention to mission issues, but have not touched on process issues.
It is no surprise that managers have spent a long time recognizing their mistakes. After all, the process has not even appeared on the company's radar screen. Although the process is the core of corporate activities, most managers simply did not notice the process. The reason is that our organizational structure has been task-based for nearly two hundred years. The cornerstone of automatic packaging machine manufacturers is the functional department, especially a group of people who perform a common task. Measure and improve tasks; train and improve those who perform tasks, managers are sent to supervise departments or groups of departments, and processes are always outside control.
The transition to a lean process is basically not a structured change. It has also not been known by publishing a new charter and appointing a new set of management titles. The lean process begins with a change in perspective. The lean process is important to mean people in fully automated packaging machine manufacturers, all of whom recognize and concentrate on their processes. This apparently mild and simple change has endless consequences for business operations and for the lives of those working in these businesses. Before we begin to examine these results, let us first examine why the process is a starting point for fully automated packaging machine manufacturers in the industrial age.
We can think of a process as a black box that implements changes, sucking in certain inputs and turning them into outputs of greater value. Therefore, the completion of the order is basically to convert the order into the delivered goods. It begins with an order from the customer explaining its needs, and ends with the delivery of the goods to the customer. In fact, we can say that the process of completing the order creates three outputs: the delivered goods, the satisfied customers, and the bills paid. A reliable sign of customer satisfaction is that he paid the bill. This latter observation is obviously revolutionary. It shows that the operation of completing an order is not just about handling inventory and shipments, but also the various activities required to bill, open and receive (actually cash). The latter activities have traditionally belonged to the sacred realm of the finance department. It should be noted that these activities should be linked to business activities in a common process. The result is the disappearance of the dividing line between business and financial activities, which will be an open challenge to the theology of fully automatic packaging machine manufacturers over the past 100 years.
It is important to recognize that fully automated packaging machine manufacturers are not creating or inventing processes that go through lean processes. The process has existed independently and produced products from fully automatic packaging machine manufacturers. Only the people in the automatic packaging machine manufacturers have not realized the existence of these processes. First-line producers and their immediate bosses are so focused on their specific tasks and work groups that they can't see the processes they've worked on so far; most managers are far from controversial enough to identify processes. So, although the process always exists, it is in a split, intangible, unnamed, and unmanaged state. Lean processes give the process the attention and respect they deserve.
The idea of a process is not about focusing on isolated individual tasks, but on a whole group of tasks that contribute to a desired outcome. In the case of the process, a narrow view is useless. It is impossible for everyone to care only about their limited responsibilities, no matter how good these responsibilities are. When this happens, the inevitable result is a partial benefit in the contradiction and misunderstanding of the work and the sacrifice of the overall interests. The work of the process requires each relevant person to move toward a common goal; otherwise conflicting goals and narrow plans can dampen enthusiasm.
The process focuses on the results, not on the way to produce results. The essence of the process is its input and output, what begins and ends with what. Everything else is a problem.
One of the important words in the definition of a process is "customer." The point of view about business processes is the customer's point of view. For the customer, the process is the essence of a fully automatic packaging machine manufacturer. The customer does not know or care about the organizational structure of the fully automatic packaging machine manufacturer or its management philosophy. Customers only pay attention to the products and services of automatic packaging machine manufacturers, and all products and services are generated by the process. Customers are aware of the traditional organization; we do our business and then try to sell the results to customers. But the point of view of the process requires us to proceed from the customer, from their requirements to us, and vice versa.
The process of improving business operations with processes is particularly appropriate today because we live in a customer-focused era. For most of the industrial history, buyers have more than what is available for purchase. Fully automatic packaging machine manufacturers are limited by production capacity rather than market demand. Although there is no technical monopoly, many industries do what they do as a monopoly and do not pay attention to their customers. Today, customers have more choices and they know them very well. If a fully automatic packaging machine manufacturer does not resolutely focus on the customer and the process of generating value for the customer, it cannot exist in the world for a long time.
The era of processes has arrived. The process is no longer an orphan of the company, no longer a hard work and no recognition, attention and respect. Now they occupy the stage in our corporate organization. The process is at the core of the organization and management of fully automated packaging machine manufacturers rather than the periphery. They must affect structure and institutions. They must affect people's minds and the attitudes they hold.